Enterprise Spirit

Dedication Truth-seeking Innovation Striving for the Best

Dedication  Dedicated and be brave in shouldering responsibilities, love his own job and serve for the enterprise loyally.

Truth-seeking  Being realistic and practical, work hard, run the enterprise industriously and thriftily, tell the truth, do practical things, and seek practical results.

Innovation  Emancipate the mind, dare to explore, adhere to scientific thinking, enhance innovation ability, and build innovative enterprise.

Striving for the Best  Pioneering and enterprising, bravely scaling new heights, benchmarking the advanced, dare to surpass, establish a China Coal brand, and strive to be an industry leader.


Core Values of The Enterprise

Scientific Development Safe and Efficient Harmony and Win-win

Scientific Development  People-oriented, overall planning and consideration, to achieve comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development of enterprises.

Safe and Efficient  Adhere to safe development and improve efficiency and benefit.

Harmony and Win-win  Honest and trustworthy, mutual benefit and win-win, realize the harmonious coexistence and common development between employee and enterprise, enterprise and enterprise, enterprise and the society.

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