CC5C actively expands the non-coal market of nonferrous metals, metallurgy and gold. It has been engaged in the construction of the nickel mine project of Jinchang Jinchuan Company in Gansu Province 30 years ago. In the construction of -1165 level crushing chamber at the 3rd mining area which is known as the“Asia's largest chamber”and has a section of 6,300 square meters, CC5C has achieved an impressive record of completing the construction task 131 days earlier than original plan.

The Lilou Iron Mine, which was built by CC5C, has achieved a good construction performance of average 128 meters per month for 7 consecutive months. Zhangzhuang Iron Mine, the“861”Action Plan Project of Anhui Province that under construction by CC5C, is the first non-coal“one-package”project, coordinating the construction of the mine, production and operation, mining and backfill, and creating a construction record of national metallurgical industry shaft with a monthly development of 229.6 meters. The main shaft of the Xincheng Gold Mine(1527m deep shaft)and the auxiliary shaft development project create a beginning of constructed 3 Nos. over 1000m deep shafts in one mining area by only one company. During the main shaft construction, the shaft developed more than 100 meters per month for 9 consecutive months. CC5C achieved the goal of“winning the bid, commencing and developing over 1000m in the same year”, won the“World Record of Guinness”.

In the construction of the vertical shaft excavation and off-shaft development of HZL SK mine, the highest monthly shaft development was obtained as 152 meters, and the construction period was nearly four months ahead of the contract time schedule, achieving safe production and demonstrating the strong strength of the company's overseas mine construction. CC5C has won wide acclaim from its international partners.

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